Introduction to Massage
Certificate course offering basic theoretical and practical training on massage of the legs, arms and back. It is an entry requirement to the diploma course in therapeutic massage, providing guidance for further development of touch and enhanced fluidity of strokes.
This is an integral part (MODULE 2) and entry requirement to the diploma course in therapeutic massage.

This course introduces:
an overview of therapeutic massage, introducing participants to overall concepts, brief history and basic evidence-based benefits
the basic strokes of Swedish massage
muscle relaxation techniques for arms and legs
essential knowledge in the use of lubricants
training in protective postural standing
basic theory and practice of evidence-based integrated relationships of mental and physical levels.

Community projects: public stress management awareness programmes, old people’s homes, etc.
In situations where basic physical/psychological support is needed e.g. as an adjunct to mental health programme
For specific support programmes e.g. basic relaxation, improvement of general circulation, stress management, etc.
For mutual support within groups e.g. single mothers groups, women groups, men groups, ex-drug abusers groups, etc.

Participants will need the Hand/Foot/Face Massage certificate.
Skills may be applied to the public under supervision on a voluntary basis

Length: 8 weeks
4 hours fortnightly of theory & practice (Total 16 hours) and 2 hours fortnightly of supervised practice (Total 8 hours) - Alternated weeks e.g. 4 hours one week, 2 hours the next.
[Total tuition / supervised practice: 24 hours]

Home study / unsupervised practice (minimum): 3 hours weekly
[total of 24 hours over 8 weeks]

TOTAL HOURS: 48 hours

Continuous assessment and 1 hour practical exam